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Welcome to The National Evangelical Church of Beirut

The National Evangelical Church of Beirut welcomes you. We are a Protestant Church in the city centre of Beirut, the Lebanese capital, where we seek to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ in word and deed.

You are welcome to join us for worship in the Arabic or in the English language.

At our Church, you will find a warm community of Lebanese and non-Lebanese Christians from all walks of life.

We also invite you to explore our website and learn more about the various branches of ministry that our Church is involved in.

Pastor Habib Badr

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Contact Details

The National Evangelical Church of Beirut

P.O. Box 11-5224

Riad Essoulh, Beirut

Email: email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Tel. +961 1 980 051/2

Fax +961 1 980 050