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Christmas Cake Sale 2018

Cake and bake sale of the Helping Hand Association at Charles Saad Hall on Sunday, December 16, 2018. The income goes to help the needy families and people.

Rev. Rima Nasralla at the General Meeting of EMS

Rev. Rima Nasrallah spoke on behalf of the international women's network of the EMS (Evangelical Mission in Solidarity) on December 6, 2018. She had met earlier this week with the International Liaison women from Indonesia, I India, Japan, South Korea, Ghana and South Africa and brought their concern together with the concerns of the EMS women's advisory board to the General Assembly. On Thursday they all dressed in black to show their support to women - a world without rape and violence.  


Rev. Badr, Chairperson at the EMS

Rev. Habib Badr was re-elected on December 6, 2018, as one of the three presidents of the EMS (Evangelical Missions in Solidarity) which comprises 28 different Churches from Germany, Africa, Asia and the Middle East as well as three Mission Associations. We are proud that the 50 members of the General Assembly renewed their trust in him and in our Church.

Confirmation Class 2018

Sunday, November 18, 2018


First Woman's Ordination at NECB

On the November 11, 2018, Dr. Rima Nasralla van Saane was ordained at the National Evangelical Church of Beirut (NECB). She is the first female ordained at our church in Beirut. Many local and international partner churches participated in this event: The National Evangelical Synod in Syria and Lebanon (Rev. Joseph kassab, General Secretary), The Armenian Evangelical Union in the Near East (Rev. Dr. Paul Haidostian), Fellowship of the Middle East Evangelical Churches (Mrs. Rosanjela Jarjour), Middle East Council of Churches (Sister Emelie Tannous), World Communion of Reformed Churches (Rev. Najla Kassab), Anglican Church of Beirut (Rev. Imad Zorob), Evangelical Mission in Solidarity EMS (Dr. Gebriele Mayer), United Church of Christ USA (Mr. Benjamin Drolet) and many other partners.


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The National Evangelical Church of Beirut

P.O. Box 11-5224

Riad Essoulh, Beirut

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