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Communion Service, Bishop Munib Younan

Bishop Munib Younan, president of the Lutheran World Federation, and Bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Palestine and Jordan joined the Communion Service in our church with Rev. Habib Badr. It was a blessing time on 1st Sunday of Lent Season in March 9, 2014 to have this fellowship. The service also joined by Rev. Dr. Riad Jarjour, chairman of the Forum for Development, Culture and Dialogue. Some Board members of the Fellowship of the Middle East Evangelical Churches also participated in the worship.

SAT_7 in Our Church

SAT_7 tv organized a meeting for Evangelical church leaders and Christian institutions to participate in sharing the vision for the future of SAT_7. And Rev. Habib Badr, chairman of the International Council of SAT_7, invited MP Ghassan Moukheiber to speak about the Challenges and the Concerns that faces Christian presence in the ME.

With Mme Nabila Fares

'Helping Hand Society' welcome its guest Mme Nabila Fares, mayor of Rabieh at mayor of Rabieh, on Friday, 21st of Feb. Mme Fares spoke about her recently two-volume published book "كلمات مختارة" . She read few poems and reflected on her experience with ACSAUVEL association for improving life for people with down syndrome.

A Birthday celebration followed the meeting and words of love and good wishes are shared. 

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