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Churches Celebrated the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

In an ecumenical atmosphere, the three different churches (Catholic, Orthodox and Protestants) represented by their leaders, participated in the closing service of the Week of Prayer on Sunday, Jan 27, 2013 at the Armenian Catholicosate of Cilicia in Antelias.

It has been a tradition to have the Week of Prayer between 18-25 of January from every year. The theme for this year was "What does God require of us," taken from the book of the prophet Micah (cf. Mi 6, 6-8).

The Week of Prayer

The speakers invited all to pray unceasingly asking God for the great gift of unity among all the disciples of the Lord. And the choir chanted wonderfully from all church traditions of the East.

May the inexhaustible power of the Holy Spirit encourage us all toward a sincere commitment in our search for unity, so that we might all together praise God and Christ, our Lord.

(The icon of the brochure cover is from the Armenian Church representing epiphany and nativity.)

International Conference at USJ

Our Church participated in a three-day conference organized by the faculty of Religious Studies in “Centre de Recherches et des Publications de l’Orient Chrétien” (CERPOC) at Universite Saint-Joseph. Rev. Habib Badr and Rev. Nabil Mamarbashi attended the opening on Friday, January 24, 2013 at François Bassil auditorium.

USJ _ International Conference

The symposium was in Arabic and entitled “The Discourse of Christian Communities in Middle East at the Time of Crisis” (خطاب الجماعات المسيحية في الشرق الأدنى في زمن الأزمات). It was part of an international conference that tries to articulate the problems and state the pivotal questions (religious, political and cultural) in regard of Christian communities in the East. These questions will be further considered by the scientific team at CERPOC in their research.

An Ecumenical Activity

In context of ecumenical spirit and Week of Prayer for Christian unity, Rev. Habib Badr visited St Therese Church in Mansourieh, Jan 24 and gave a lecture. The lecture was about the common points in faith between the Protestant and Catholic churches.

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