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► EMS First General Assembly

Rev. Habib attended the first General Meeting of the Evangelical Mission in Solidarity (EMS) in Germany on 10 November 2012. The General Assembly elected Chair of the General Meeting and of the Mission Council, Rev. Marianne Wagner, Pastor for World Mission and Ecumenism in the Protestant Church of the Palatinate. The assembly elected the deputies too. Dr. Habib Badr, senior pastor of NEC, and Rev. Klaus Rieth, responsible for Mission, Ecumenism and Development Cooperation in the Evangelical-Lutheran Church in Wuerttemberg.

The EMS Fellowship has defined priorities for the next two years which are to have particular significance for all members. Thus it is planned to strengthen sharing the gospel and interfaith dialogue, for example in Indonesia, as well as the commitment to peace and justice especially on the Korean peninsula and in the Middle East. Conferences will be held for missiological education and training. The Women’s and Youth Networks are planning international consultations, whilst special attention will be paid to the exchange of personnel both in the Ecumenical Volunteers and Study Programmes.

(Information are taken from Gerd Sander, Press Relations Officer,

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► Confirmation Service

On Sunday the 4th of November 2012, parents and large congregation of our church participated in the confirmation service of six confirmands, who joined the church membership on the occasion of All Saints Sunday.

The confirmands are: Maya Asfour, Nadia Asfour, Mounir Moadieh, Ramzi Katoul, Lara Sabra, and Nour bou Malham.

The confirmation-candidates had attended earlier (past spring-summer period) a series of special classes, where they had the chance to reflect on the meaning of Christian faith and studied different topics, such as baptism, church creeds, communion and other important themes of the Christian faith.

Confirmation refers to the decision a person makes in response to God’s grace, with intentional commitment and public affirmation of one’s baptismal vows before the congregation. Confirmation is finally endorsed through the participation of the confirmands in the communion service, through which they claim full membership of their church.

May God lead the new members of our church in their paths of life to be good, loving and caring Christians in their church and society.

► Forum on "The Pope Benedict XVI's Visit to Lebanon"

Rev. Habib Badr participated in a forum on the Pope’s visit to Lebanon. The forum was held at St. Joseph University, Social Science Department, on Wednesday 31st of Oct., 2012. The speakers presented non-Catholic views concerning the Pope Benedict XVI’s visit to Lebanon, last September.

The participants, beside Rev. Badr, were notable guests: Dr. Ibrahim Shams El-din (president of the Imam Shams El-din Foundation for Dialogue), Metropolitan George Saliba (Syrian Orthodox Archbishop of Mount Lebanon), sheikh Khaldoun Araimet (secretary general of the Supreme Judicial Islamic Council), sheikh Aamer Zen El-din (media consultant and social activist), Mr. Fouad Daaboul (managing editor of Al-Anwar Lebanese newspaper) and the moderator was Prof. George Khadige (director of the Center for Human Rights Studies in the Arab World, CEDROMA).

All speakers considered the Pope’s visit a significant contribution for the relations between all Lebanese religious and social components.

Rev. Badr concentrated in his word on the purpose of the visit, i.e., to hand the Apostolic Exhortation "Ecclesia in Medio Oriente" to the Catholic Church in the Orient. The Apostolic Exhortation was documented and elaborated by Benedict XVI, based on the forty-four final propositions of the special Synod for the Middle East, which was held in Vatican City from 10 to 26 October 2010 with the theme: "The Catholic Church in the Middle East: Communion and Witness”.

However, Rev. Badr maintained that Protestant churches were, unintentionally, not represented in some stages of the event.

At the end of the presentations some questions were asked by the audience and a celebration concluded the forum.

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