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Schools Latest News

► Summer Camp 2012

SonGamesSonGames 2012: God's Team in Action was the title of our childern's Summer Camp at Schneller School - Bekaa.

The camp was from Wednesday July 25 to Sunday July 29, 2012. More than 35 kids, 20 helpers and leader participated in this camp.

It was a blessing time and a wonderful experience that all participants have enjoyed.

At the end of the camp, a special celebration took place last Sunday in the Church Hall of the National Evangelical Church where all kids performed a great presentation to their parents.


► NEST Sunday


On the 22nd of April a group of theological students from Near East School of Theology (NEST) took part in our worship service. It was the occasion of NEST Sunday.  Pastor Habib Badr welcomed the group and congratulate Dr. George Sabra who was unanimously elected as new President of NEST last February. Dr. Sabra preached that Sunday, and other students played music (violin + piano).

► Helping Hand Trip

Helping Hand Society organized a trip to the South of Lebanon - Marjayoun and Hasbani. The trip took place on Saturday 19th of May 2012.

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