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He Loved, Therefore, He Is Loved

On the 9th of March 2016 and on his birthday, our church honored Mr. Sami Mousa for  his sincere love, diligent service and generous giving to the church. Mrs. Renée Ghattas in her words described Mr. Sami by saying, "he loved, therefore, he is loved".


World Day of Prayer 2016

The annual ecumenical event of the World Day of Prayer was celebrated this year in many evangelical churches in Lebanon on the 4th of March 2016. Women and children also in Beirut joint other international countries around the world to pray for one common theme: "Receive Children, Receive Me" (cf. Mark 10:13-15). Each year, a different country is choosing the subject and writing the program. Then, a national committee would take that program and interpret it within its context. "We are all invited to seek Jesus with childlikeness and boldness", said the ladies from Cuba who prepared the program for this year. Our ladies in Lebanon too, contextualized that Gospel message and lead the common worship service that took place at the Near East School of Theology (NEST). The speaker was Mrs. Nicolette Hutcherson, and the offerings will go to the Nursery and Daycare of YWCA, Hadath, Beirut.

May be you want also to watch this video about CUBA.


Lebanese Pipe Organ Week

The "Lebanese Pipe Organ Week" program was concluded in our church on Sunday, February 7, 2016. This was the first season to celebrate Pipe Organ music in Lebanon. The celebration started a week before in Notre Dame University - Louaize and in different other churches during that week. The Pipes music is seen as a symbol of Christian presence in Lebanon and the region.

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