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Sat-7 Ministry

Sat-7 Christian TV channel broadcasts to encourage Christians, churches and people in the Middle East and North Africa and Europe. Year by year and this ministry is blessed with the new opportunities to serve communities and bring the Good News. They broadcast in Arabic, Persian and Turkish contributing to the good of society and its culture.  

Rev. Habib Badr, chairman of the International Council (IC) of Sat-7, is attending the Executive Committee meeting in Cyprus. We pray for them as they plan for the growth of this ministry and its future.

You can follow Sat-7 Arabic HERE.    

NECB General Meeting 2014

It has been another year of God's goodness. Our General Meeting of NECB took place last time and heads of the committees read their reports. Worship services, spiritual ministries, Sunday School, women fellowship, Moadieh Center, Philemon Project beside many other spiritual and educational services were true blessing to our lives and to people around us during the last year. And as usual, a new election of board members was held as four of them ended their terms this year and. 

May God bless His church and His people who faithfully and dedicatedly kept their support and love to church ministry.   

Mission Council of EMS Meets in Korea

Rev. Habib Badr, vice chairman of the Evangelical Mission in Solidarity (EMS), participated in the general meeting of EMS that took place in Gwangju, South Korea from 25.-28. June 2014. The new Mission Council met for the first time outside Germany. The General Meeting is convened every two years. And it is the most important body that decide the agenda of EMS's fellowship and strategy. 

(Photo by Corinna Waltz from EMS Web)

(EMS Mission Council, photo from EMS Web)

Child to Child Gift

Our church organized and participated in distributing "Child to Child Gift" to different schools and churches in Lebanon. What a wonderful experience to draw a smile on children's face and learn the right values of life. 

Contact Details

The National Evangelical Church of Beirut

P.O. Box 11-5224

Riad Essoulh, Beirut

Email:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Tel. +961 1 980 051/2

Fax +961 1 980 050