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German Pastors Visiting Our Church

A group of 15 German pastors from the Protestant Church in Hesse and Nassau (Evangelische Kirche in Hessen und Nassau) visited our church on the second Easter Sunday (April 27) and participated in the worship service. They expressed their joy to be in Beirut with us and shared their concerns for the Christians in the Middle East. They will visit Schneller School too on the other days. 

Joy of the Palm Sunday

Classical Music: Listen to Women

Under the patronage of the Armenian Relief Cross in Lebanon, a Classical Concert performed by Piacevole Trio in our church on Wednesday, April 9, 2014. The program included works of women composers: Clara Schumann, Elfrida Andree and Gayane Chebotaryan which was entitled: Listen to Women. The players were, on violin, Eleonore Schulz; on cello, Shushan Artinian; and on piano, Lory Aintablian.


Communion Service, Bishop Munib Younan

Bishop Munib Younan, president of the Lutheran World Federation, and Bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Palestine and Jordan joined the Communion Service in our church with Rev. Habib Badr. It was a blessing time on 1st Sunday of Lent Season in March 9, 2014 to have this fellowship. The service also joined by Rev. Dr. Riad Jarjour, chairman of the Forum for Development, Culture and Dialogue. Some Board members of the Fellowship of the Middle East Evangelical Churches also participated in the worship.

Contact Details

The National Evangelical Church of Beirut

P.O. Box 11-5224

Riad Essoulh, Beirut

Email:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Tel. +961 1 980 051/2

Fax +961 1 980 050