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Lutheran-Catholic Commemoration of Reformation

A Lutheran-Catholic Common Commemoration of the Reformation took place at Lund Cathedral in Sweden on 31st of Oct. 2016. The theme of the common prayer was taken from John 15: “From Conflict to Communion”. Both Pope Francis and Bishop Younan (president of The Lutheran World Federation) signed a joint declaration aiming at deepening cooperation and solidarity between the two churches. 

Rev. Habib Badr attended the celebration as the president of the Evangelical Family in the Middle East Council of Churches to witness this ecumenical moment in history between the Protestant and the Catholic churches.

While the past cannot be changed, what is remembered and how it is remembered can be transformed. So, the document stated: “We pray for the healing of our wounds and of the memories that cloud our view of one another. We emphatically reject all hatred and violence, past and present, especially that expressed in the name of religion. Today, we hear God’s command to set aside all conflict. We recognize that we are freed by grace to move towards the communion to which God continually calls us.”

“Abide in me as I abide in you. Just as the branch cannot bear fruit by itself unless it abides in the vine, neither can you unless you abide in me” (John 15:4).


To see the YouTube of the whole service CLICK HERE


Launching the 500th Anniversary of Reformation in Lebanon

Through a press-conference, hosted by Bishop Boulos Matar, Maronite Bishop of Beirut with Father Abdo Abou Kassm the head of the Catholic Media Center (C.E.C.S) in Lebanon, the Protestant Churches launched the celebrative event of the 500th anniversary of Reformation. This step came as the outcome of long ecumenical relations between Catholic and Protestant churches in the Middle East, particularly in Lebanon. In the line of celebrating the Reformation-anniversary Pope Francis also will visit Sweden on 31st of October, 2016 to join an ecumenical commemoration of Reformation. At that time Rev. Habib Badr similarly will travel to Sweden, Lund (where the Lutheran World Federation was formed), to participate in that event. The joint commemoration is a witness to the love and hope in the One Lord, and a sign of reconciliation and cooperation between the two communities.

(Rev. Adeeb Awad, vice president of the Evangelical Synod in Syria and Lebanon, and Rev. Nabil Mamarbashi attended the press conference with some ladies of our NEC Church). 

Memorial Service for Kenneth Bailey

Kenneth E. Bailey is a Biblical scholar, professor, author, Presbyterian missionary and international lecturer. He passed away on 23 May, 2016. The Near East School of Theology (NEST), family and friends who loved Kenneth and his teaching remembered him on Sunday 9th of Oct. 2016 at special memorial service at NEST. 

"Many of us who new Kenneth," said Rev. Badr in his words of comfort, "his steadfast faith, his contentedness in life, his penetrating way of thinking specially as a teacher and Biblical exeget, as well as his creative artistic work... all these show his lasting effect on many of us." Rev. Badr  mentioned also the cross that Kenneth made from the nails of the Old Mission Compound in Downtown of Beirut which is still in the National Evangelical Church. He (and Dr. George Sabra) mentioned about another cross made by Kenneth from two big pieces of wood taken from Dhour Shweir (Mount Lebanon) and is placed in the small chapel of NEST, and is still there. Dr. Kenneth was indeed a source of strength and inspiration. May Kenneth's memory live eternally!

You may see the service on YouTube


Culture of the Word

On the occasion of celebrating the 150th anniversary of the founding the American University of Beirut (The Syrian Protestant College) Rev. Habib Badr participated in the celebration organized by Abey-Ain Drafil municipality at the old Evangelical seminary in the town, at the cradle of AUB. The ceremony took place on Monday, October 3, 2016. President of AUB, Dr. Fadlo Khouri unveiled a memorial plaque for the occasion. The ceremony included speeches by Rev. Badr, Dr. Khouri, Mr. Ghassan Hamze (Mayer of Abey), and Mr. Mounir Hamze (Association for Revival of Abey Heritage). Music by Ihab Jamal also accompanied the event.

“The Evangelical ethos is based in the culture of the "Word" ”, said Rev. Badr, “therefore, the educating and learning process is an integral part of the Evangelical church since the beginning of the Reformation”. Rev. Badr also encouraged educational institutions in Lebanon to train their students to resolve the conflicts in peaceful and constructive ways. 

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