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God Reveals Himself to His Creation

Dr. George Sabra was interviewed by Al MayadeenAjras Al Mashriq program—on Sunday, December 20, 2015. Sabra tackled many different theological issues: ‘The relation between theology and people's life’, ‘the relation between theology and philosophy’, ‘theology and science’, ‘theology and ethics’, ‘the differentiation between liberation theology and Marxism’, ‘the significance of Christian - Muslim dialogue’, ‘the importance of diversity’, and many other important topics. He also commented on the notion of the ‘holy war’ at modern times, ‘nationality and faith’, ‘Reformation and church authority’, and the ‘Reformation impact on classical theology’. Too many topics for a short interview (40 minutes), nevertheless, Sabra gave for each case a precise explanation and a new insight. Concluding his message he said: “God reveals Himself to His creation. Even if there were different worlds (or lives) than the one we know, God would never let Himself unknown to His creation.”

God’s love was made flesh in the birth of Jesus. He loved us enough to take on our poverty, our indignities and fears. He even died that we may rise again as a new creation. He is—Emmanuel—with us and He is our Savior (Yeshuu).

If you are interested in watching the episode, click the below link: 

(photo from Al Mayadeen tv)


Kid's Annual Event

Life is great when you are a kid. There is so much love and preparation that goes in making cookies, cakes, crafts, with a lot of fun when kids are there. That what our kids made in this annual Christmas event. Remember this well, that God makes Himself small, He becomes a child to draw us with love and touch our hearts with His humble goodness. To save us He did not change the history, rather He lived with humility and meekness. May the love of God revive in our life the true light of Christmas.  

Helping Hand Society Celebrating Christmas

Helping Hand Society celebrated Christmas with the elders and staff at Moadieh Evangelical Center in December 18, 2015. Christmas carols and music filled the heart of the people; cheerful faces and joyful hearts brought happiness to everybody. Families of the elders also joint the celebration. Rev. Habib Badr talked about Christmas traditions, and Mrs Najah Majdalani told them a Christmas story about joy that come from giving. The way of salvation will not be found through luxury, vanity or power, but rather through the loving embrace and forgiveness of God.

Rejoice and be glad for what the Lord as given us, praise the love that Christ revealed. The Lord has come, and He is with us.

Merry Christmas     

Christmas Carols at Dhour Shweir 2015

Our church choir participated in the Christmas festival in DhourShweiron Saturday, December 12, 2015. Rev. Badr led the choir in singing Christmas carols and the congregation joined the choir. This has been the third year—in DhourShweir—that Christmas is celebrated together among the churches and even the non-Christians in a joyful atmosphere.

Contact Details

The National Evangelical Church of Beirut

P.O. Box 11-5224

Riad Essoulh, Beirut

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