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New Building for the Supreme Council of the Evangelical Churches in Syria and Lebanon

On Saturday, January 12, 2019 the new building of the Supreme Council of the Evangelical Churches in Syria and Lebanon was inaugurated. On the behalf of Rev. Dr. Salim Sahyouni, president of the Supreme Council, Rev. Habib Badr, member of the Executive Committee of the Supreme Council and head of the Construction Committee, welcomed all bishops, Reverends, and distinguished guests, in particular the representative of the Lebanese President General Michel Aoun, Minister Nicola Tueni and the Evangelical MP Dr. Edgard Trabolsi. 

The Evangelical community exists in Lebanon and Syria from the beginning of the 19th century, and the Supreme Council of the Evangelical Communities in Syria and Lebanon was founded in December 14, 1937. This headquarter of the Supreme Council, said Rev. Badr, "was and will be a home for all Evangelical communities .. in Lebanon and Syrian and of those who love God". "It is a house for those who witness to human justice and peace.. whether they are Muslims or Christians", he continued. "Evangelical community has been and will remain faithful to its heritage and identity to be open to all human beings, serving them in various ways: spiritual, intellectual, cultural, educational, and social. These services are provided to all without distinction between race, religion, sex or language. This is our identity and this is our history", said Rev. Badr. And at the end, Rev. Badr thanked all, one by one, who helped and worked to make this moment possible, in particular, Carmel Mission in Germany (Evangelische Karmelmission). And to God be the glory.  


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