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Christmas Eve 2018

Christmas Eve joint service on Dec. 24, 2018: Rev. Habib Badr, Rev. Rima Nasrallah & Rev. Nabil Mamarbashi. The Sunday School also shared the Christmas story with people on Sunday 23rd of Dec., 2018.  

And a delegation of officials from the National Free Movement (Al Tayyar Al Watani Al Hurr), representing Beirut electoral districts I and II, headed by deputy and minister Nicolas Sehnaoui, visited the Beirut Evangelical Pastors at the Charles Saad Hall at NECB on Dec. 25, 2018. They were received by Rev Badr accompanied by Rev. Dr. Edgar Trabulsi (the protestant deputy in Beirut) as well as Revs. Joy Mallouh and Fadi Dagher. The visitors were also joined by the president of Beirut Municipal Council Mr. Jamal Itani, and Mr. Joseph Trabulsi (protestant representative on the Municipal Council) as well as several other members of the Tayyar and the Municipality. The visitors offered their Christmas greetings and discussed current relevant local issues.

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