Honoring Rev. Habid Badr
On the occasion of Rev. Habib Badr's accomplishing thirty years of ministry at the National Evangelical Church of Beirut the Church Council honored him on Saturday, November 28, 2015. During those years, "Rev. Habib was a teacher and an advisor for many, a brother and a father.. dedicated his life to care for his parish in all circumstances", said Dr. Cedric Haddad member of the Church Council. "He is the man of all seasons, served his community and others faithfully and wholeheartedly", Mr. Nabil Rahhal described him in his address on behalf of the Church Council. "He is a good shepherd who deeply loved his flock, and our community reciprocated his love with love and honor", added Mr. Rahhal. "Today, we will not turn off the candles over this anniversary cake, but we will keep them on for us and for many people".
Esteem who lead you in the Lord very highly in love (1Th 5:13)