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Affirming the Christian Presence and Witness in the Middle East

Rev. Habib Badr attended the Executive Committee meeting of the Middle East Council of Churches (MECC), held at St. Mark Cathedral, Abbassia in Cairo, Egypt from 3-5 November, 2015. The meeting was hosted by the Coptic Pope, Tawadros II. The leaders and representatives of the four Christian families (Evangelicals, Eastern Orthodox [Greek], Pro-Chalcedon and the Catholic) tackled many critical issues and agreed upon several details, such as the possible unification of the Easter Day as a sign for their common witness and the urgency of dialogue with Muslims (as all share the same destiny). Also it has been agreed to consider the forced displacement and refugees’ crisis as priority for humanitarian assistance, remembering the Armenian martyrs as indication of Christians facing persecution. Finally, the meeting called for the election of a president of Lebanon, signifying the unity of the nation and promoting stability. The Executive Committee also considered the General Assembly of MECC that will take place next year, as a new General Secretary will be elected then.


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