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International Twin-Consultation Conference

An International Twin-Consultation Conference took place in São Leopoldo, Brazil, from 19-23 of November 2015. Our church participated in this global educational conference and Rev. Nabil Maamarbachi represented NECB along with more than 100 representatives from different international theological institutions, churches and christian ecumenical organizations:

Bread for the World (BftW, Berlin)

The Association of Protestant Churches and Missions in Germany (EMW, Hamburg)

The Theological College Faculdades EST in São Leopoldo, Brazil (EST)

The Francke Foundations and University of Halle (Germany)

And many other international partners: Lutheran World Federation (LWF)World Communion of Reformed Churches (WCRC), the Evangelical Church in Germany (EKD), World Council of Churches (WCC), and The Evangelical Mission in Solidarity (EMS).

The conference aimed at contributing from intercultural and ecumenical perspectives to issues concerning “Reformation and One World”

For more details in this regard, please follow THIS LINK




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