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Global Christian Forum in Middle East 2016

More than 35 participants from the different Evangelical churches and members of the Middle East Council of Churches (MECC) were called to convene in Der Saiet el-Beer (Our Lady of the Well) from 25-28 of May 2016. This consultation was organized and supported by Global Christian Forum (GCF).

The GCF is a common space where all major streams of world Christianity could come together to pray and be enriched in their unity in Christ and discuss common challenges. GCF brings together the most diversified collection of Christianity from all church families including World Council of Churches (WCC), the Pentecostal and other kinds of Evangelicals movements.

This consultation in Lebanon for the Middle East is the second one after Amman meeting in April 2013. And our church (NECB) participated in it. The participants stressed the necessity to stand all churches together as witnesses of the one Gospel, and they discussed how to strengthen the Christian witness in the face persecution, forced immigration and martyrdom. They called for solidarity of all Christians, following up what have been accomplished with insight and discernment.

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