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Executive Committee of MECC in our Church

Our church hosted the Executive Committee of the Middle East Council of Churches (MECC) on the 16th and 17th of January 2017. Rev. Habib Badr as president of the Evangelical Family in MECC welcomed the Patriarch Youhanna X, the president of the Orthodox Family and Patriarch Aphram II, the president of the Oriental Orthodox Family along with the General Secretary Fr. Michel Jalakh.

Rev. Badr underlined 5 important points concerning the future of MECC. First, the necessity to make MECC activities known to churches, after 42 years of services. Second, the image of MECC for the international organizations needs to be crystallized through united and standard documents on crucial issues that concern us as churches in the ME. Third, a kind of reforming the MECC relationship with Muslims is needed, since MECC played a significant role in strengthening the connection with them. Fourth, MECC played a major role in the diakonia among churches and therefore this should be improved and expanded. Finally, the potential for MECC’s advocacy in different issues, as the issue of Palestine in the past, should also be given much attention.

The MECC executive members also had the chance to visit the Lebanese President Michel Aoun at the presidential palace.


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