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Academy of Technology Project in Abey- Lebanon

After attending the presidium meeting of EMS in Stuttgart on Monday and Tuesday of March 11 & 12, 2019 , Rev. Badr visited on Wednesday noon the bishop of Munich Rev. Susanne Breit-Kessler accompanied by Messers Rink and Sonnenborn of the Rotary Club. They discussed the German Evangelical Academy of Technology (GEAT) project in Abey (Lebanon) that NECB is embarking on.

(Members of the EMS presidium at dinner in Stuttgart) 

(Bishop Breit-Kessler at her office) 


(Rev. Badr offering the book he edited on the history of Christians of the Middle East)

(Messers Sonnenborn {Left}, Rink, Bishop Breit-Kessler, Rev. Badr and the bishop’s assistant Rev. Gloël)


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