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Workshop on Diakonia

Our church participated—beside others (27 participants in all)—in a workshop on diakonia that took place between 6-9 June 2016, in 'Our Lady of the Well' Covent (dair Sayedet el-Beer) Metn, Lebanon. This workshop was organized by the Middle East Council of Churches (MECC) with the collaboration of the World Council of Churches (WCC). The participants gathered from Lebanon, Egypt, Syria, Jordan and Iraq as well as South Africa and Norway in order to to consolidate the cooperation among churches of the Middle East and empower the prophetic services to bring changes to the unfair political, economic and social structure that generates poverty oppression and violence.

The workshop called for ecumenical advocacy inscribing the reasons of violence and war in the region and the needs to support the massive numbers of internally displaced people, refugees and migrants. Diaknoia is the Church; it is the task of humankind toward creation and each other, as it was articulated by the speakers. This would contribute to bring a change to people's lives and to the poor, serving mainly the less fortunate ones. A second workshop will take place in November, 2016 with even more participants.

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