New Studio for SAT-7
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As a Chairman of the International Council of SAT-7 TV, Rev. Habib Badr, and under the patronage of the Maronite Patriarch, Cardinal Bechara Al-Raii, they inaugurated a new studio in Mansourieh (Lebanon) on Saturday, November 15, 2014.
The Ceremony was attended by big crowds of people, officials and clerics. And this new building will be used to advance the mission of SAT-7 in bringing an opportunity to witness to Jesus Christ.
(Photos from SAT-7)
Chapel Dedication Service
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On the occasion of renovating our small chapel in the church a special worship service took place on Sunday, Oct. 19, 2014 at noontime. A group of worshipers with the family of Dr. Sleiman Sami Salibli were called to celebrate the dedication of the small chapel to his memory.
Memorandum of Understanding
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"Do not cast me away when I am old; do not forsake me when my strength is gone." (Ps.71:9)
By this words from the Prophet David, Rev. Habib Badr opened his speech on Friday 17th of October, 2014, On the occasion of signing a Memorandum of Understanding between Moadieh Evangelical Center (the Assisted Living Center) of our church and Ain WaZein Hospital (AWH Elderly Care Center) to express the bilateral cooperation and the good will to care for elderly people.
This mutual agreement was attended by MP. Walid Jumblatt, Health Minister Wael Abu Faour, Judge Abbas Al Halabi, Dr. Zouheir Al Imad (director of AWH), the general manager of Moadieh Center Mrs. Joyce Khouri Eid, church committee members, doctors and many distinguished guests.
Kids Camp in Hamlin
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Sunday School leaders in our church organized a wonderful kids camp in Hamlin, Hammana (Lebanon) between Friday, Oct.3, and Sunday, Oct.5, 2014. It was a blessing time and joyful gathering to all.
FMEEC Conference in Cairo
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Rev. Habib Badr attended an international conference in Cairo last week between 10-12 of September. The conference was organized by the Fellowship of the Middle East Evangelical Churches (FMEEC). This is the second conference after the first one in Beirut in 2012 that dealt with "The Evangelicals and The Christian Presence in Middle East", particularly in Syria and Iraq.
This conference came as a response to the unprecedented wave of violence that arise in the ME.
To read the Final Communique in ARABIC, please click HERE
To read it in ENGLISH, please click HERE
Urgent Appeal by Evangelical Leaders in Syria and Lebanon
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Evangelical leaders and heads of the Protestant churches in Lebanon and Syria wrote an "Urgent Appeal" addressing the conscience of all Protestant communities worldwide and invited them to act for all innocent people, particularly the religious minorities who fled from the vicious war in Iraq and Syria.
Please, Click Here to read the ENGLISH file,
Or Here to read the ARABIC file, and soon will appear in some other languages.
One Day Trip to Bzebdine Valley
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Our youth in the National Evangelical Church decided this Summer to have one day trip to Bzebdine Hidden Valley on Friday, August 22. It was fantastic and unforgettable time when all campers, helpers and leaders reunited.
GA of the Supreme Council
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The General Assembly of the Supreme Council of the Evangelical Churches has concluded its meeting last week in Beirut. The Supreme Council is a body that includes all the Protestant churches in Syria and Lebanon. Our church represented in the GA by Rev. Habib Badr, Mr. Jean Dagher, Mrs. Aida Abdul-Samad, Mr. Sami Nasr. The Meeting elected Mr. Dagher as Treasurer, and Rev. Badr remains in the Executive Committee, while the other stay as GA members. Rev. Salim Sahiouni was uncontested as the Head of the Supreme Council. We pray for solidarity of His churches and wisdom for their leaders to remain faithful to God's ministry and witness.
Sat-7 Ministry
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Sat-7 Christian TV channel broadcasts to encourage Christians, churches and people in the Middle East and North Africa and Europe. Year by year and this ministry is blessed with the new opportunities to serve communities and bring the Good News. They broadcast in Arabic, Persian and Turkish contributing to the good of society and its culture.
Rev. Habib Badr, chairman of the International Council (IC) of Sat-7, is attending the Executive Committee meeting in Cyprus. We pray for them as they plan for the growth of this ministry and its future.
You can follow Sat-7 Arabic HERE.
NECB General Meeting 2014
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It has been another year of God's goodness. Our General Meeting of NECB took place last time and heads of the committees read their reports. Worship services, spiritual ministries, Sunday School, women fellowship, Moadieh Center, Philemon Project beside many other spiritual and educational services were true blessing to our lives and to people around us during the last year. And as usual, a new election of board members was held as four of them ended their terms this year and.
May God bless His church and His people who faithfully and dedicatedly kept their support and love to church ministry.
Mission Council of EMS Meets in Korea
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Rev. Habib Badr, vice chairman of the Evangelical Mission in Solidarity (EMS), participated in the general meeting of EMS that took place in Gwangju, South Korea from 25.-28. June 2014. The new Mission Council met for the first time outside Germany. The General Meeting is convened every two years. And it is the most important body that decide the agenda of EMS's fellowship and strategy.
(Photo by Corinna Waltz from EMS Web)
(EMS Mission Council, photo from EMS Web)