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Charles Malik the Philosopher

An international symposium on Charles Malik the Philosopher organized by NDU's Institute of Lebanese Thought (ILT) and in association with AUB's Anis Makdisi Program in Literature. It was on March 30 and 31, 2016. The aim was to analyze some major philosophical writings, and to listen to the testimony of people whose lives he impacted.

Rev. Habib Badr had the chance to speak of his experience as a student of Charles Malik. Rev. Badr talked about The Nietzsche Experience. Then, Dr. George Sabra presented his lecture on the The Philosophy of Charles Malik: Fundamental Principles and Themes. 

To see the PROGRAM click on it.

Easter Egg Hunt Trip For Kids 2016

Sunday School teachers of our church organized a trip for kids during Easter time. The church youth and the teenagers helped the organizers to bring out joy and lovely games to all. The trip was on Saturday, March 26, 2016, and was attended by 60 people in Theopolis Center, Lebanon.


He Loved, Therefore, He Is Loved

On the 9th of March 2016 and on his birthday, our church honored Mr. Sami Mousa for  his sincere love, diligent service and generous giving to the church. Mrs. Renée Ghattas in her words described Mr. Sami by saying, "he loved, therefore, he is loved".


World Day of Prayer 2016

The annual ecumenical event of the World Day of Prayer was celebrated this year in many evangelical churches in Lebanon on the 4th of March 2016. Women and children also in Beirut joint other international countries around the world to pray for one common theme: "Receive Children, Receive Me" (cf. Mark 10:13-15). Each year, a different country is choosing the subject and writing the program. Then, a national committee would take that program and interpret it within its context. "We are all invited to seek Jesus with childlikeness and boldness", said the ladies from Cuba who prepared the program for this year. Our ladies in Lebanon too, contextualized that Gospel message and lead the common worship service that took place at the Near East School of Theology (NEST). The speaker was Mrs. Nicolette Hutcherson, and the offerings will go to the Nursery and Daycare of YWCA, Hadath, Beirut.

May be you want also to watch this video about CUBA.


Lebanese Pipe Organ Week

The "Lebanese Pipe Organ Week" program was concluded in our church on Sunday, February 7, 2016. This was the first season to celebrate Pipe Organ music in Lebanon. The celebration started a week before in Notre Dame University - Louaize and in different other churches during that week. The Pipes music is seen as a symbol of Christian presence in Lebanon and the region.

Greening Our Culture and Society

The guest speaker of Helping Hand Society for January 2016 was the environmental engineer Ziad Abi Chaker. He talked about the garbage dilemma in Lebanon, and more about the real solutions. "Garbage is not a problem, it is a resource", said Mr Chaker. "We believe, we can reach zero waste policy and reduce the remains of untreated waste to minimum". Interesting discussions were followed, and many attracting examples were given, in particular, the eco-board technology that transforms plastic bags and scrap into panel boards. We can green our culture and turn the waste pilling up on our streets into verdant. 

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2016

The Week Of Prayer For Christian Unity was organized this year by the Middle East Council of Churches and the Assembly of Catholic Patriarchs and Bishops in Lebanon (APECL) January 18–25, 2016. The title for this year was inspired by the churches in Latvia. "Called to Proclaim the Mighty Acts of the Lord" (1 Pt. 2:9).

The Opening Service was on Sunday Jan. 17, 2016 at St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox church in Beirut. The Closing Service was on Sunday Jan. 24, 2016 in our church.

In his sermon, Rev. Badr focused on the relationship between the unity and the destiny of the Christian presence in the Middle East. "We should face together the great challenges that confront Christian existence today... and we should face it with peace", he said. 



Christmas Concerts 2015

Beirut Chants Festival organized Christmas concerts in our church on December 28, 20 and 21, 2015. Three Choirs presented wonderful songs and music: Lebanese Traditional Music Al Fayha Choir - Barkev Teslakian, Conductor; Christmas for the Homeless Children - Gargatch Children Choir - Zakar Keshishian, Conductor, Liana Harutyounian, Piano; and La Chanterie de Beyrouth - Noha Hatem, Conductor - Isabelle Issahakian, Piano. 

Also the annual Christmas Carols of the Lebanese American University (LAU) lead by Leila Dabaghi was presented in our church on 23rd of Dec. 2015. 

May in this blessed season we experience the presence of the Lord. Chanting and signing for His presence ushers the joy and hope in the midst of darkness which envelops the earth. May His love flames the voice of faith in our hearts, because faith illuminates our steps and the horizon of the New Year to come.  

Photos from Beirut Chants

Program in Arabic CLICK HERE

God Reveals Himself to His Creation

Dr. George Sabra was interviewed by Al MayadeenAjras Al Mashriq program—on Sunday, December 20, 2015. Sabra tackled many different theological issues: ‘The relation between theology and people's life’, ‘the relation between theology and philosophy’, ‘theology and science’, ‘theology and ethics’, ‘the differentiation between liberation theology and Marxism’, ‘the significance of Christian - Muslim dialogue’, ‘the importance of diversity’, and many other important topics. He also commented on the notion of the ‘holy war’ at modern times, ‘nationality and faith’, ‘Reformation and church authority’, and the ‘Reformation impact on classical theology’. Too many topics for a short interview (40 minutes), nevertheless, Sabra gave for each case a precise explanation and a new insight. Concluding his message he said: “God reveals Himself to His creation. Even if there were different worlds (or lives) than the one we know, God would never let Himself unknown to His creation.”

God’s love was made flesh in the birth of Jesus. He loved us enough to take on our poverty, our indignities and fears. He even died that we may rise again as a new creation. He is—Emmanuel—with us and He is our Savior (Yeshuu).

If you are interested in watching the episode, click the below link: 

(photo from Al Mayadeen tv)


Kid's Annual Event

Life is great when you are a kid. There is so much love and preparation that goes in making cookies, cakes, crafts, with a lot of fun when kids are there. That what our kids made in this annual Christmas event. Remember this well, that God makes Himself small, He becomes a child to draw us with love and touch our hearts with His humble goodness. To save us He did not change the history, rather He lived with humility and meekness. May the love of God revive in our life the true light of Christmas.  

Helping Hand Society Celebrating Christmas

Helping Hand Society celebrated Christmas with the elders and staff at Moadieh Evangelical Center in December 18, 2015. Christmas carols and music filled the heart of the people; cheerful faces and joyful hearts brought happiness to everybody. Families of the elders also joint the celebration. Rev. Habib Badr talked about Christmas traditions, and Mrs Najah Majdalani told them a Christmas story about joy that come from giving. The way of salvation will not be found through luxury, vanity or power, but rather through the loving embrace and forgiveness of God.

Rejoice and be glad for what the Lord as given us, praise the love that Christ revealed. The Lord has come, and He is with us.

Merry Christmas     

Contact Details

The National Evangelical Church of Beirut

P.O. Box 11-5224

Riad Essoulh, Beirut

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